Personalized makeup class


Do you wear makeup in the same way since forever? Or maybe you have never put on makeup?

Learn the secrets of a natural makeup look and find out which colors or products suit you best in a personalized lesson.

The course is given during an individual appointment and the client learns how to apply makeup according to her features and her personal needs.

She is advised on what is best for her in terms of makeup style and colors, as well as in terms of makeup and care products.
Avital will review the products the client uses and will give her recommendations on what products would be best suited and how to use them.

She will recommend her which products to buy and teach her quick, easy and innovating techniques to apply her makeup.
Avital teaches the client by applying makeup on only half of her face, as the client while monitored and guided by Avital, will apply makeup on the other half.

If necessary or desired, Avital goes with the client in various makeup shops to ensure that the client buys the right products.

For you or as a workshop with friends.